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Stefan Cunnington

Positive Intentions for the New Year!

As we step into the New Year, we can let go of the past and explore the possibilities that lie ahead of us. Times of transition present us with an opportunity to re-evaluate our lives and make the necessary changes to realign with our goals.

Acceptance of the past and forgiveness give us the freedom to create a brighter future! We can cultivate a positive response to the complex situations life presents us with and let go of past experiences that overshadow our present interactions.

In the face of personal and global challenges, we may have established new fears, doubts, or attitudes, which do not serve but inhibit our growth. Let’s make a commitment to consciously letting go of them! After all, “What’s broken can be mended, what hurts can be healed, and no matter how dark it gets, the sun is going to rise again.”

As we welcome 2023, we can take a moment to acknowledge our achievements during the past year – no matter how big or small they may seem. We can take pride in our resilience and the creative ways we have overcome the challenges we faced.

We can ask ourselves, “What do I want?” and “What is my purpose?” If we go beyond the ego, we may discover the overarching force of our life and align with our higher purpose. Our answers can be simply expressed as affirmations in the New Year.

Release the outcome into the field of infinite possibilities and let the Universe take care of the rest.”

Let's make this a successful New Year! Let it be a year in which we are kinder and more generous in our thoughts, in our words, and actions. Let our goals be compassion for those who are in need, empathy for those in difficulty, and patience for those who challenge us! Whatever setbacks we experience, we can cultivate gratitude and express with intention our appreciation for the blessings we receive each day.

May 2023 bring us great strength and new ways of finding balance, harmony, and happiness!

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